The worship service begins at 10:30am and is led by song leaders from the Praise Team. At our services you will find families and singles, younger and older people, and a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. We work hard to be a friendly, welcoming church family.
What to wear? A little dressy or quite casual are equally accepted. Children are warmly welcomed in worship. Sunday School is available for children 3 and above, youth, and adults at 9:15am during the school year. Children kindergarten age and younger are welcome to come to Neelsville Kid's Ministry's Worship and Play Zone during the service as an alternative to attending the worship service.There are Children’s Worship bags available with Bible-based activity pages and children’s bulletins for early elementary kids. We welcome the wiggles and the giggles of children in our worship service as we believe children are a vital part of our church family. If you prefer, you can sit in the area behind the sanctuary (the Narthex) and still see and hear the service.
We follow a liturgical order in our services: Opening with Praise, then continuing with Confession of Sin, stating what we believe (creeds), hearing the word of God read, with its truth and teachings carefully explained in the pastor’s sermon, then prayers of intercession and thanksgiving, and closing with a Benediction exhorting us to go live out our faith in the world. Services typically last from 60 to 75 minutes.
We celebrate Communion, the Lord’s Supper, on the first Sunday of each month. Baptisms of new believers or children of members are celebrated during worship services and times are arranged with the pastor.
We are a Bible-centered, gospel-believing congregation and you will clearly find this in our worship and preaching. New member classes are offered throughout the year.
Large print bulletins and hearing-assistance devices available.
Worship music is “blended” using the best traditional hymns as well as new and contemporary expressions of who God is and how he works in our lives. We joyfully combine traditional hymns with organ, and modern hymns and worship songs with drums, guitar, bass and piano or keyboard in both services.
We chose “blending” our styles for biblical and theological reasons, relating to the nature of the church: the body of Christ itself is blended including a great variety of God’s children. We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord! A Christ-centered focus causes us to put aside personal musical preferences so that we can be united in our commitment to glorifying God in our worship above all.
Our chancel choir meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm Sept. through mid-June. Our praise team meets Tuesday evenings at 7pm and occasionally over the summer. Singers and instrumentalists welcomed! Contact the church office to get in touch with our Director of Worship Music.