We all long for a better understanding of God's Word, a more meaningful experience of fellowship, and the companionship of like-minded believers. The good news for us is that the Lord has provided us with great tools to draw nearer to Him and to better understand His word and His will.

For most Christians, the church becomes most real in a small group setting. Principles and ideas are best absorbed through discussion with a few friends. Our joys and concerns are most easily spoken and most fervently prayed for with a few familiar faces. People are more genuine, discussions are more thoughtful, care and compassion become evident.

God has designed us to share our faith and our journeys with a small group of friends. We want you to have that experience! Neelsville offers a wide range of small groups and classes, and we encourage you to connect! These include weekly or bi-weekly small groups, Bible studies, and classes. Some are for men, some for women, some for youth, some for couples, some for anyone at all. Some meet online while others meet in person.  Most of these groups have 5-15 members, and include time to share and catch up, time to pray together, and a study our lesson together.

We invite you to join any of the classes, Bible studies and small groups listed below! Contact office@neelsville.org for more information.

discipleship classes

Art of Biblical Words

Sunday Mornings 9:30 – 10:30am | July 28 – Sept 1 | Room 1 & Online

Leader: Bill Kroah

Meeting Link: Provided in weekly e-letter

Many key biblical words are either unfamiliar or have lost their original meaning in our modern context.  Through this class from the Bible Project, we will develop the skills for studying biblical words and explore the role words play in how authors communicate meaning.  


Intro to the Hebrew Bible

Sunday Evenings 7:00 – 8:00pm | June 2 - TBD | Online

Leader: Craig Wilson & others

Meeting Link: Provided in weekly e-letter

Have you ever wondered where the Bible came from? This class is all about the origins of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and how to develop the skills necessary for reading it well. We’ll explore the biblical and historical data about the production of the biblical scrolls, focusing on why and how these texts were formed into a unified collection. We’ll also cover some of the most important skills for reading biblical narrative and poetry so that you can take your own study of the Bible to the next level.  Class info, videos an study notes can be found at https://bibleproject.com/classroom/introduction-to-the-hebrew-bible/.

bible studies & small groups

Sunday Morning Small Group

Sunday Mornings 9:15 – 10:30am | Parlor

Leader: Adam Condrick

Join us for a new study of Confronting Christianity - 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion by Rebecca McLaughlin.  It's easy to drop in for discussion. 

Our Men’s Wednesday Night Bible Study and Women's Friday Morning Bible Study are on break for the summer and will resume in September.


A place for those aged 18 to 40-ish to grow in Christ and community

Young Adult Bible Study

Monday Evenings at 8pm | Online

Leader: Amanda Rickett | Contact: youngadults@neelsville.org

Meeting Link: Provided in weekly e-letter

We meet weekly to study Nehemiah, focusing on perseverance.  Join us!