We all long for a better understanding of God's Word, a more meaningful experience of fellowship, and the companionship of like-minded believers. The good news for us is that the Lord has provided us with great tools to draw nearer to Him and to better understand His word and His will.

For most Christians, the church becomes most real in a small group setting. Principles and ideas are best absorbed through discussion with a few friends. Our joys and concerns are most easily spoken and most fervently prayed for with a few familiar faces. People are more genuine, discussions are more thoughtful, care and compassion become evident.

God has designed us to share our faith and our journeys with a small group of friends. We want you to have that experience! Neelsville offers a wide range of small groups and classes, and we encourage you to connect! These include weekly or bi-weekly small groups, Bible studies, and classes. Some are for men, some for women, some for youth, some for couples, some for anyone at all. Some meet online while others meet in person.  Most of these groups have 5-15 members, and include time to share and catch up, time to pray together, and a study our lesson together.

We invite you to join any of the classes, Bible studies and small groups listed below! Contact office@neelsville.org for more information.

discipleship classes

Knowing the Bible: Philippians

Sunday Mornings 9:30 – 10:30am | Jan 5 – Feb 23 | Library

Leader:  Eric Shirley

Meeting Link: Provided in weekly e-letter

This is a 12-week study of this book using material prepared by Ryan Kelly for The Gospel Coalition. Come join us as we learn the mind of Paul, who counted all thing loss so that he may know CHRIST and be found IN HIM. Paul, who could do all things through Christ, while also assuring all believers that He who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it.

The Christ Files: A Search for the Real Jesus

Sunday Mornings 9:30 – 10:30am | Feb 9 – Mar 2 | Ed Wing Room 1

Leader:  Jason Evans

In The Christ Files, historian Dr. John Dickson sets out to discover what we can know for certain about the life of Jesus. In a captivating journey across the globe, this video series examines ancient documents and consults the world’s most respected historians and scholars. 

The Rise of the Messiah              

Sunday Evenings 7:00 – 8:00pm | Feb 23 – TBD | Online

Leader: Craig Wilson & others

Meeting Link: Provided in weekly e-letter

Around the time of Jesus other messiahs arose to lead Israel. What made Jesus shockingly different? Why is the cross a defining work of Jesus as the true Messiah and “Son of God”? Join us for a co-ed study of the good news announcement of the Kingdom in Matthew 1-4. We meet Sunday evenings 7-8 pm remotely for this online study & discussion. Contact Craig Wilson for any questions.

bible studies & small groups

Sunday Morning Small Group

Sunday Mornings 9:15 – 10:30am | Jan 5 – TBD | Parlor

Leader: Adam Condrick  

Join us for a study of We Make the Road by Walking. It is a work of constructive theology that offers a positive, practical, open, faithful, improvable and fresh articulation of Christian faith.  It is a practical theology to be worked out in the daily life.

Women’s Winter Bible Study - The Book of Ruth   
Wednesday Evenings 7:00pm  – 8:15pm | Jan 8 – Feb 26 | Online

Leader:  Joanne Wilson  

Meeting Link: Provided in weekly e-letter

Ruth…a story about how God takes unsuspecting people from despair to delight, from hurt to hope, amidst dark times, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Looking for hope during the cold and bleak days of January and February? Here’s your answer!

Men’s Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday Evenings 7:15 – 8:45pm | Online                                  

Leader: Brian Farrell

Meeting Link: Provided in weekly e-letter

We will be studying A Man's Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines: 12 Habits to Strengthen Your Walk with Christ.  All men are welcome!

Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study

Friday Mornings 9:30 – 11:30am | Parlor

Leader:  Sue Farrell  

How do we love our gay friends and family members well? And what does the Bible say about same-sex relationships? Join the discussion with Rebecca McLaughlin’s book, Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? Examining 10 Claims about Scripture and Sexuality. Books are available on Amazon and other booksellers. Join us from 9:30am to 11:30am on Friday mornings in the Parlor.


A place for those aged 18 to 40-ish to grow in Christ and community

Young Adult Friday Nights

Friday Evenings 7:30 – 9:00pm | Parlor
Young Adults meet for weekly Friday night gatherings at Neelsville. These nights include Bible Studies, Games, and Arts and Crafts. Every Friday will encompass at least one of these. This will be a safe place for Young Adults to grow in Christ and establish a community. There will also be an opportunity to help with the Youth Group from 7-8:30pm.  Email youngadults@neelsville.org if you’re interested in joining.