Our Men’s Ministry is committed to building godly men to serve Christ in their home, church, career and community. This mission is pursued through a variety of initiatives, events, small groups, retreats, and activities gear toward men of all ages. The Men’s Ministry places great emphasis on developing relationships in and among the men of Neelsville for furthering encouragement and support of men in their walk with Christ.
Monday Night Bible Study Every other Monday nights at 7:30pm, man who desire to grow as disciples of Christ through study and application of God's Word, prayer and accountability gather at church. All men, 18 and over, are welcome to join the group.
Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study at 6:30 am, a group of men gather to feed the body and soul at the McDonald's in Quince Orchard Plaza. Feel free to join us! Contact: Al Henins, 301-869-1282
Wednesday Night Men's Bible Study Led by an elder of the church, this men's Bible study meets at the church each week at 7:30 and is open to men of all ages who want to grow stronger in their faith. Contact: Brian Farrell, church office number 301-972-3916
Men's Retreats The Scriptures tell us that we are to sharpen one another like iron sharpening iron. Many of the men of Neelsville have developed accountability relationships with other men in our small group ministries. The men of NPC retreat together once a year.