As the elders met last Thursday to discuss the surveys and reopening plans, we wanted to let you know of our short-term plans, especially with conflicting opinions from government leaders. As of now, we will continue our online worship services. In the near future, we plan to share more, but I wanted to make certain you know of our plans for the next few weeks. Thank you for all of your patience and prayers as we consider a wise and safe plan for our congregation. Please continue to pray with us towards that end.
May 25, 2020 E-letter
May 14, 2020 E-letter
Greetings Church!
NPC leaders have been considering when and how we will return to corporate worship and facility use. The governor’s announcement gives us concrete information to consider as we discern our next steps.
What does this mean for NPC?
There are no immediate changes at this time. For this coming Sunday, we will live stream on our Facebook page ( as we have been doing for the previous nine weeks.
We wanted you to know that we are aware of Gov. Hogan’s remarks. We will be waiting to hear what further direction Montgomery County provides at today's press conference. We will be continuing our discussions with elders, deacons, trustees, and staff to make a wise decision for our NPC members and guests. Then, we will communicate as soon as we have more concrete steps beyond this. Please, pray for us.
We want to hear from you!
Your thoughts, concerns and needs related to reopening are very important to us. Would you please fill out our short survey so that we can take your input into consideration as we determine the best way to safely meet in person again?
Be encouraged by this scripture as we are discerning when and how to meet again.
“But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face.” (1 Thes. 2:17)
“Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete.” (2 John 12)
Here are a few resources for information:
- Maryland Coronavirus Dashboard (
- Montgomery County, MD Webpage (
- Montgomery County Community Resources (
The Lord be with you. Stay safe and well. May the Lord grow our patience, endurance, and love during this time. Connect with someone to show care. Connect with someone to express your need for care.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Jeffrey Rickett
May 11, 2020 E-letter
Our elders and other leaders are reviewing best
practices for ministry, re-opening, and safety considerations during the
recovery phases of this pandemic. We have identified several sub-teams that
will be preparing action plans including: communication, worship, adult
discipleship, facility, children and youth, fellowship and outreach, personnel,
and local missions. We greatly appreciate your prayers for these
decisions, and we will communicate these action plans as they become available.
Pray for us in this way: "that we may abound more and more, with
knowledge and discernment, so that we may approve what is excellent"
(based on Phil. 2:9-10)
March 27, 2020 E-letter
Dear NPC Family,
It was good to hear from many of you again at our live stream service. We love the encouraging feedback! Moreover, I hope you are all actively practicing social distancing and doing well and staying healthy. On Sunday, I shared that we would be providing opportunities to pray and learn together during this time that we are mostly home-bound. Please take a moment and read the information below so that you can join us in these upcoming events. Please also keep yourself informed by clicking on the below links as it relates to the COVID-19.
As you likely have heard, MCPS has extended their school closure until April 24. Likewise, Neelsville is extending our closure and all activities and events are cancelled until further notice. We know we are all trying to determine what “normal” looks like right now, so we will communicate with you as soon as we have updates on the closure and reopening.
Please pray for our whole team so we can serve and lead NPC during this crisis. Our prayers are with you for health and peace during this time.
Pastor Jeff
March 20, 2020 E-letter
Dear NPC Family,
Thank you for joining us this past Sunday for our first streamed worship service. Many of you have given us encouraging and helpful feedback, and we look forward to growing our experience in this new medium. We will live stream again this Sunday at 10:30am on our public Facebook page.
As we move forward in the coming days, I thought it would be important to make sure you are informed about the ministry of NPC. To make sure that we are clear and efficient in our communication to you, we reserve church community communication to those items that impact the whole church. We do not want to duplicate information or unnecessarily inundate your email inbox. To that end, the pastoral team will take the lead in particular areas, and as questions arise you can direct them as follows:
Primary Areas for Communication:
- I will communicate to you regarding whole-community issues and notifications from Session, Deacons, and Trustees. In addition, I am planning ways to minister to you the Word of God that will encourage you during this challenging time. I will utilize the NPC Facebook pages, Eletters, Zoom, and whatever technological tools we believe will be helpful. | EMAIL PASTOR JEFF
- Jamie Swope and Amanda Enzenauer will reach out to those in the Children's & Family Ministry and Student Ministry with ways to connect during this time. | EMAIL JAMIE | EMAIL AMANDA
- Our Local Missions Team is hard at work determining ways we can BLESS OUR CITY of Germantown during this time (scroll down for more info). Contact Courtney Midlam if you are healthy and willing to volunteer. | EMAIL COURTNEY
- The latest information regarding Neelsville’s response to COVID-19 and ways we are supporting Germantown will be posted on our website.
Helpful Resources to Utilize:
- Send prayer requests through and our prayer chain members will delight to pray for you during the week.
- Your prayerful tithes and offerings can be mailed to the office or you can donate through the website at
- Please do not hesitate to reach out to your deacon, the office or Pastor Jeff if you are in need of assistance during this time.
- You can continue to contact our office with any questions at or 301-972-3916. Please leave a message if you reach our voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Together with our administrative team, we will seek to keep our communication to you robust and effective. Please pray for our whole team so we can serve and lead NPC during this crisis.
Pastor Jeff
March 12, 2020 E-letter
Neelsville has been continually monitoring the relevant authorities and local partners regarding the best plan moving forward amid the COVID-19 concern.
Out of an abundance of caution, we have decided to close NPC facilities from Friday, March 13 until Friday, March 27. We made this decision in light of caring for our intergenerational community and a desire to do our part to slow the spread of exposure to and infection with COVID-19. Governor Hogan's recent announcement impacts our decision directly.
Here is what this means for us:
- Sunday Worship – Sunday School and Worship at Neelsville are cancelled on site, however we are still worshipping! Join us for our online service live streaming on our public facebook page! You do not need to have a facebook account to view this.
- Other Facility Use – All scheduled activities and events on site are canceled.
- Communication Plan – We will assess this ongoing situation and communicate on this webpage, our facebook page, and private facebook group as decisions are made.
- Care Plan – Please reach out to the church office ( or your deacon regarding our church family needs (i.e., assistance to get medications, food, or other needs).
- Giving – You may continue to give online at or mail checks to the church office.
- Church Office - As of 3/18, our office staff is working remotely to respond to your needs. Continue to call 301-972-3916 and leave a message if you reach the voicemail. You can also email
We strongly encourage you to become familiar with official information about the virus. Seek trusted sites that provides information about how to stay healthy, how to gauge whether you are in a high-risk category, and what to do if you believe you are infected or have been exposed to someone who has the virus. Here are two recommendations:
At the time of this writing, we are not aware of anyone within our church community who has been diagnosed with the virus. However, we would ask that if you were to become sick with the virus, please voluntarily notify us so that we can better care for you and our church family.
With all of this in mind, we also urge wisdom without falling prey to panic. To that end, please consider these articles:
As we move into the coming days and weeks, let us pray for God’s grace as we walk in faith and not in fear. The history of the church is replete with examples of how God’s people served others in crisis, and we should consider now how to serve and watch for those around us who are vulnerable. It may be an elderly neighbor, single parent, or a person who is immunocompromised that we can serve by doing errands or bringing needed supplies. I pray that the Lord brings healing to the nations from this virus and gives us opportunity to demonstrate His all sufficient grace.
Other Updates:
- If you need assistance in anyway during this time, please email
- We would love to pray for you. Please use the resources tab on our website to fill out an online prayer request form.
- We are working with local schools, Germantown Help, and Women Who Care to assist people who need assistance with food and other needs. We will be sharing soon how you can help. Point of contact is Jamie Swope at
- Adult Sunday School leaders are making plans for online Sunday School meetings. More information soon is coming regarding how to access these online classes.
- Neelsville Kids Ministry is sending out a family devotional based on Sunday lessons. Look for those in the weekly family ministry email. There is a children's online Zoom meeting scheduled for Wednesday at 10:00am. Meeting link and instructions coming soon. Email Jamie Swope, Children & Family Ministry Director at to receive email updates and more info.
- Youth Group will not meet, however the Student Ministries Team is planning options for online gatherings soon. Contact Amanda Enzenauer, Student Ministries Director for more info at
- Updates are also posted on the following:
- Instagram @neelsvillechurch
- Facebook Public Page
- Our private facebook group for members and regular attenders (request to be added by clicking here)