• Ash Wednesday is observed by Christians and is a solemn day of self-reflection and repentance.  The name for this day comes from the ancient church custom of applying ashes to foreheads as a reminder of our sinfulness and our appointment with death.  Ashes are applied in the shape of a cross to remind us of God's cure for our sinfulness.

    6pm Dinner - Our traditional soup and bread dinner will be hosted by our Deacons in the Fellowship Hall.  

    7pm Service - Our worship service will include the tradition of applying ashes to foreheads as well as partaking in the Lord's Supper. Like all of our worship services, children are welcome and encouraged to participate.

  • Join us in this 5-week study of Repentance on Wednesday nights.  Each week will have a light dinner at 6:15pm, followed by the 7pm service with a time of worship, a message from an NPC elder and small group discussion.  We will have small groups for adults and youth (6th-12th grade) as well as children's programming.

    Click here for more info and to let us know you'll be attending!

  • Palm Sunday also known as Passion Sunday, is a celebration that commemorates and honors Jesus Christ's victorious entry into Jerusalem.  It is an event that is mentioned in all the four Gospels. It was a joyful occasion as Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a conquering King, and the people shouted his praises and worshipped Him as he deserves it.

    Our 10:45am Worship Service will open with our children parading in with palm leaves and shouting Hosanna!  

  • On Good Friday, Christians commemorate the suffering and death on the cross of Jesus Christ.  Many Christians spend Good Friday in fasting, prayer, repentance and meditation on the agony and suffering of Christ.  It is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday.  

    Our 7pm Worship Service will include special interactive stations where you can nail your sins to a cross, partake in the Lord's Supper and pray with our Elders and Deacons.  Childcare will not be provided.

    This service will also be livestreamed at facebook.com/neelsville.

  • Easter is the annual celebration of Jesus Christ's resurrection to life after His crucifixion and death. The day is also called Resurrection Sunday.  The word Easter is related to the word east, which naturally points us to the sunrise, to new days and new beginnings.

    Our Worship Services will be held at 9am and 11am as we celebrate the resurrectionThe 11am service will also be livestreamed at facebook.com/neelsville.   

    Children are encouraged to worship with their families in the Sanctuary on this special Sunday.  Childcare will be available in the nursery for both services for ages 3 and younger.  

    Between the services, join us in fellowship with a brunch in the Welcome Center and flowering of the cross (you are encouraged to bring cut flowers).