Event Q & A

1. Is this event free?

Yes! We thank the members of Neelsville Church, Camp Sonshine, and local businesses who donate to make this event possible.

2. Do I have to register?

To guarantee that your child/children can participate as supplies are limited, we strongly suggest you register by April 1 and arrive on time. See the form below. At 2:00pm the day of the event, we will open up egg hunts to children who were not registered before the event as long as supplies last. 

3. I don't attend your church. May I still come?

Absolutely! We welcome all children to come and participate.

4. My child has allergies. How can he/she be accommodated?

We use empty eggs that are turned in for prize bags. When turning in eggs, you can request a non-candy bag to ensure there isn't food with allergens.

5. I'd like to donate to this event. How do I do that?

Contact our children's director Jamie Swope at neelsvillekids@gmail.com.

6. What should we bring?

A basket or bag for collecting eggs would be great. If you don't have one, we have some you can use.

7. Where do I park?

Parking is available in the back and front of the church from Frederick Rd. and Neelsville Church Rd. Please drive slowly as families are walking to the event.

8. What if it rains or weather is bad?

We will move the event indoors. We don't want bad weather to stop all the Easter fun!

9. I'd like to volunteer for the event. How do I do that?

We'd love to have you! Please complete this application, and our director will get back to you. SSL hours are available for MCPS students.

10. Is there an age limit for this event?

This event is geared to children 5th grade and younger.

Register for FREE Here!

Event Details

Thanks so much for registering for the Egg Hunt at Neelsville Church happening at 1:30pm. We are so glad to have you!

Here's what to expect:
*Please bring a basket to collect eggs. You can borrow a bag from us if you don't have one or forget.
*Please be in the check in line no later than 2pm. After this time we will give spots to families who did not register but would like to participate.
*Please park in the lot behind the church. The front parking lot will be coned off and for another function. You can enter along Neelsville Church Rd. or from Frederick Rd. There is parking across the street at Neelsville Middle as well as needed.
*This event will happen rain or shine. If weather is nice, this event will be held on our back lawn behind the church. If it's pour conditions for outside, please enter the church building from the back side entrance closest to the graveyard to check-in. Activities will be inside, so don't let the weather stop you. 
*When you arrive, you will head to the check-in area to check-off that you have arrived and your child will receive a bracelet that allows access to the egg hunt area.
*After the egg hunt your child will turn in eggs (plastic empty eggs) for a prize bag. And if your child found a golden egg, there are some fun prizes for that too at our prize table.
*In addition to the hunt, there are some other fun games and activities to enjoy.

Happy Easter!

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